Czym jest nowoczesna geologia górnicza?

What is modern mining geology?

What is modern mining geology? Although mining is a profession that has been with us for thousands of years, once this industry could not enjoy much recognition. In fact, until the 1680s, most people did not have a favorable opinion about mining and aspects related to this profession, which very often had a negative impact on recruiting new recruits to work. However, mining has undergone a number of huge changes. Today, it is not only associated with backbreaking physical work.

We can observe this, for example, from the fact that reservoir geology related to mining is starting to resemble more research methods than typical excavation work. It is also worth mentioning that as far back as 100 years ago, people could attend academic classes that were designed to prepare them for the scientific methodology involved in the study of minerals. Identifying suitable mineral deposits and classifying them belongs to a sector of work that we entrust to true professionals. No wonder you should invest in their education first. Therefore, today’s mining and reservoir geology cannot be said to be part of a primitive profession.

Engineers and surveyors are an extremely important position that requires solid training. The need for more and more efficient methods for the extraction and exploration of deposits to be excavated rests on the shoulders of professional research teams prepared for research using the methodology of reservoir geology. The science of mining geology even has its own mentors. One of them compiled in 1948 a list in the form of a book describing all the most important tasks that a mining geologist should perform.

First of all, this profession empowers a person to control an excavation. This person has a huge responsibility as they must ensure that the entire mine runs as expected. In addition, a geologist at a high position must take into account all factors that affect the operation of the mine and may lead to its collapse.

In addition, it is worth remembering that all drilling information must be constantly researched, updated and modernized in order to ensure the safety of hundreds of thousands of employees. This aspect is also closely related to upgrading the equipment necessary to conduct excavations. Without the appropriate knowledge gained in practice by geologists, it would be difficult to create new equipment that will be able to perform its task even more efficiently during mining.

Implementation of computer machines to work in mining geology

Computers were first introduced in major mining mines to monitor and improve mining systems not so long ago. We came across such solutions only 60 years ago. However, the initial applications served a simple task and were no match for the powerful machines we operate today. Initially, they were characterized by the fact that they served as a small help in some calculations, they could not do too much for mine workers in more advanced activities. The most important aspects that early computers helped with were the mining side of accounting.

Only 20 years after the introduction of the first computer systems, many mines around the world have welcomed the new idea of ​​using machines to help with calculations. This was the trigger that led to the development of software that used computers to help with more complex tasks. Soon after, we could observe that machines capable of drawing maps, creating action plans, and even estimating the degree of mine threat through calculations prepared earlier by specialists began to appear in mines.

Tasks performed by machines in times similar to today have become a routine activity in almost every major mining mine around the world. The progress in computer methods, years of modernization and improvement of the qualifications of geologists, has meant that today this work has gone to a completely higher level.

Mining geology systems and their application

The modern systems in mining geology that we can meet today differ in level from the old solutions on which the work was once based. The most important aspect of the systems is that they are able to ensure work at a level that will allow mining to be carried out using the optimal methods in view of the given environment, the mined deposit and potential danger. The system should also be well understood and communicated to other departments as part of the mining operation.

Results are limited if parts of the system are missing or made to a different standard. Today’s theoretical aspect can be based on the conclusion that the decision to start mining or to build a mine must be consistent with the most profitable estimates that predict long-term effects of work.

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