How to start your own translation agency?

Jak uruchomić swoje własne biuro tłumaczeń?

How to start your own translation agency? Translation in today’s world is a service desired by a huge number of companies and individuals. It is practically an integral part of the activities of many companies. They may turn out to be extremely important in cooperation with foreign companies and their representatives. It is very important that the translations are of a sufficiently high standard. Thanks to this, it is possible to build a professional image of the company and avoid potential errors related to incorrect translation. In order for the translation to be carried out in an appropriate manner, many companies decide to use the services of professional translation agencies. More and more professional translators have recently assumed this type of activity.

Sworn translator – who is this?

To be able to work as a translator of texts, you must have a sufficiently high knowledge of foreign languages. Those professionals who have this skill can cooperate with foreign companies or translate foreign books into Polish as part of their activities. A very interesting type of translator’s activity is a sworn translator. All the rules for granting this title are regulated by the act on the profession of sworn translator passed on November 25, 2004.


A sworn translator is also entitled to create and certify translations from Polish into a foreign language and vice versa. However, he is not authorized to carry out direct translations from one foreign language to another. All Polish regulations indicate that a sworn translator is obliged to translate documents into Polish. Only then can they translate them into other languages. A sworn translator may also certify copies of letters in a foreign language and check and certify letters that have been prepared by other persons. When he certifies letters prepared by other people, he is also responsible for their accuracy.

A sworn translator  is also authorized to provide oral translations. We are talking about a vista, simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. The most important thing that distinguishes sworn translators from all other translators is that a sworn translator may also perform activities during court and administrative proceedings, official documents and pleadings.

What does a translation agency do?

You don’t have to meet any exceptional requirements to run your own translation agency. To run such a company, we do not even need to be a sworn translator or know foreign languages. It is enough for us to employ appropriate professionals in our company. The activity of a translation agency can be conducted in virtually any form. Taxpayers may choose a sole proprietorship, civil partnership, general partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, limited joint-stock partnership. Sworn translators may also choose to run their own partner company. The translator has the right to perform his / her activities also under civil law contracts. They allow you to treat your business as a personal business.

Starting your own business as a sole trader is very simple. You have to report it to CEIDG. In turn, if we decide to launch one of the companies listed above, such activity must be reported to the KRD. A person who decides to run a business and intends to make sales subject to VAT, should submit a special form called VAT-R no later than the day before the sale begins. It is a form that allows us to register as an active entrepreneur or exempt from tax on goods and services. Together with the completed form, please go to your local tax office, which will be appropriate for our company headquarters.

Translation agency – what form of taxation will be the best?

Many people starting their own translation agency think for a long time what form of taxation will be the best. If the services are conducted as part of a sole proprietorship, then we have a choice of taxation on general principles or a flat tax. The general rules may turn out to be a very good solution when we do not expect the income threshold to be exceeded at the level of PLN 85,528 gross. If we are taxed according to the scale, we will be able to take advantage of many reliefs that cannot be used by taxpayers using flat tax. This type of relief includes pro-family relief and the possibility of joint settlement with the spouse.
