What to know before buying a plot?

Co wiedzieć przed kupnem działki?

In recent years, buying plots outside the city has become more and more popular. It is a significant investment, as these are not cheap properties for sale, so before making the transaction, make sure that you will be satisfied with the plot. How to do it? Just remember a few important factors that you need to pay attention to.

First of all – location. Regardless of whether you intend to build on a purchased plot of land or you will only visit it from time to time, you need to have good access to it. Pay attention to whether there is any convenient public transport in the immediate area (such information is usually included in the advertisement for real estate for sale), as well as what the immediate neighborhood looks like. Do you care about many green areas? Make sure that they will not be removed in the future, to – for example – build a road there. Otherwise, you may be in for an unpleasant surprise after the transaction is finalized.

Not all buyers are aware of the importance of the type of land they purchase. It seems that sellers also ignore it, because when looking for a property for sale, they usually do not have this information in the offer description. Contrary to appearances, this is one of the most important factors that you should consider when choosing a plot. For this reason, some seasons are better for viewing plots than others; in summer you will better assess the level of shading, but on the other hand you will not be able to correctly assess the ground’s wetness. The best time to check the plot is autumn, as it allows for an optimal view of the condition of the access roads and the terrain itself.

When viewing the photos on the sale offer, pay attention to whether there are old buildings (for example, utility rooms) or trees on the plot. Currently, permission is needed to cut trees that are over five years old, as well as to demolish old buildings. You can find out about logging and demolition options from the local Nature and Monument Protection Service. There, it may turn out that the building or tree is legally protected, so if you want to avoid potential office visits (and, of course, additional costs), choose a “clean” plot – without the above-mentioned elements.

Make sure the soil class of the plot you are purchasing. If it is still classified as agricultural land in the office, you will have a problem with building a house on it. Not only does it take a long time to do farming itself, it also consumes money. Therefore, it is better to have it overcome at the very beginning and not to purchase a plot of land that could generate problems and unnecessary costs in the future. You can check the soil class in the Land and Building Registry (do not rely solely on what you find in real estate for sale ads – it happens that sellers “color” reality to sell the plot faster). One of the basic conditions for obtaining a building permit for a given plot is its access to a public road. The lack of such access practically discredits the plot as to obtaining a building permit on it. The application to the commune for a development permit is free of charge, and the form and the necessary attachments will be obtained on the spot, at the office.

Not every site is suitable for building a house. At the office, you will have access to an excerpt from the spatial development plan; there is information on the building status that states whether the plot is suitable for construction. At the office, you will also get contact with the adapting architect – this is the person who is responsible for adapting the house design to a specific plot, as well as determining whether a given house can be built on this plot at all.

If you intend to buy a plot of land to build a house, de-farming is not the only aspect that you need to pay special attention to. Plots of land, especially in small villages, far away from cities or even towns, are not always connected to all utilities. Otherwise, you’ll be faced with a lot of trouble, both technical and financial. The price of connecting utilities depends on the distance through which they have to be led, which in practice can turn out to be a very expensive investment.

For the above-mentioned reasons, it is good – even before looking for real estate for sale – to ask yourself a fundamental question; am I looking for a plot for a house or a house for a plot? This is a fundamental difference, as if you already have the design of your dream house, you have to remember that it will not be possible to put it on every plot. This makes it much easier on the one hand (narrowing down the search area), but on the other hand it is difficult. A much simpler solution is to choose a plot that suits us in other respects (location, area, immediate vicinity, etc.) and only then choose the house design – especially since there are not so few of them.


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