Safe deposit boxes Warsaw – what is worth knowing about them?

Skrytki depozytowe Warszawa - co o nich wiedzieć warto?

Bank deposit boxes in Warsaw are used to keep in them, among others. jewelry, money or works of art. It may seem expensive to use this service, however this is a misconception. The fee is about several hundred zlotys a year, it depends on the bank, the size of the box, and the declared storage period of the deposit. Sometimes there are additional fees for a magnetic lock or a magnetic card for the safe . Unfortunately, they are offered by a small number of banks, only in selected branches. Renting a safe deposit box in Warsaw may be for an indefinite period, for a month or a year, and in some institutions even for a day or a week. 

Safe deposit boxes Warsaw – who can have them? 

This service can be used by natural persons (of course, adults), legal persons and organizational units that do not have legal personality. 

Banks provide safe deposit boxes in Warsaw also to residents and non-residents (persons who live abroad). Foreigners can create a hiding place on the basis of a valid passport. As for the inhabitants of Poland – all you need is an ID card. Renting a deposit is extremely simple and requires a minimum of formalities. 

You should know that more than one person can sign a rental agreement. A bank safe deposit box may have two co-owners, e.g. spouses, as in the case of personal accounts, and may be available to a proxy. In order to establish a power of attorney, a written form is required, as well as authentication of a third party’s signature by a bank employee or notary. The co-owner of the safe deposit box in Warsaw and the proxy may dispose of its contents independently. If the power of attorney is revoked, it is necessary to replace the lock and keys to the locker. Of course, the costs are borne by the tenant. In addition, he must be present for this operation. 

If you have lockers and dies, the contents are made available to the heirs, but only on the basis of a final court judgment confirming the acquisition of the right to inheritance, or on the basis of an agreement informing about the division of the estate, which was drawn up in the form of a notarial deed.

What can you keep in a safe deposit box in Warsaw? 

To be able to use the locker, you must first enter the size of the locker, then sign an agreement with the bank and pay the required fee, which is collected before the start of the rental period. 

The contract and the regulations attached to it clearly define what items can be stored. We are talking here, among others. about:

  • jewelry, 
  • Small collector’s items, e.g. coins, stamps 
  • Works of art, 
  • Precious metals, 
  • Securities, 
  • Important documents, 
  • Other valuable things for the tenant, e.g. family souvenirs. 

Under no circumstances may you store:

  • Items that can spoil, 
  • weapons, 
  • drugs 
  • Items derived from crime, 
  • Radioactive and explosive substances. 

Any attempt to put the above-mentioned items in a bank deposit may end in the termination of the contract if a bank employee catches the tenant abusing them. However, it is not easy to grasp, because the customer must be alone in a specially designated room when filling and emptying the glove box. 

The choice of the deposit depends on the content that the tenant intends to keep in the safe. It can be permanently fixed in the vault, equipped with two separate locks, or a portable metal cassette with a single or double lock. Most banks offer lockers in many sizes, varying in height. 

Using the cache – what does it look like? 

When the contract is signed, one key is given to the owner and the other is kept in the bank. The safe is opened and closed using both keys, therefore a tenant and a bank employee are required for these operations. Each time you open the stash, a report is created that confirms this event. 

It is worth knowing that the bank does not have a duplicate of the keys received by the owner. When the key is lost, problems must be expected. It will be necessary to call a locksmith – a cashier who will destroy the lock. Sometimes a safe has to be ripped open. Of course, the tenant will be charged with the costs. 

Who can open a locker without the owner’s consent? 

Pursuant to Polish law, the bank may make the locker available to the authorities that conduct criminal proceedings against the tenant. This may include:

  • Internal security agency, 
  • Central Anticorruption Bureau, 
  • Police, 
  • Prosecutors Office, 
  • The customs Service, 
  • Border guards. 

In addition, access to the contents of the hiding place may be granted to a bailiff who conducts enforcement proceedings against the tenant’s property. 

The bank may also open the locker when the rental period has expired or the payment for the extension of the contract has not been made . First, the bank will request the return of the keys, and then, without the consent of the owner, open the locker and deposit its contents for deposit. 

The bank also has the right to block access to the box and suspend the release of its contents if it receives a decision from the court, the prosecutor or the General Inspectorate of Fiscal Control. 
